
A walking study in demonology

Wednesday, February 28, 2007


So... JR's going to help us move...

This is strange, considering that he and I have a mutual understanding. That understanding being that we DO. NOT. LIKE. EACH. OTHER. I'm civil to him, tho, cus he's married to one of my best friends.

But, apparently he like's my mom, which is the only reason that I can come with for him offering to help.

Still, I think I hear the "Twilight Zone" theme playing in the backround.

Not that I'm ungrateful. I'll take the help from wherever I can get it... Well, almost everywhere. I woulden't take it from my stepmom... not that she'd be willing to lift a finger to help us anyway.


Today, I go sign the lease for the new apartment. Then tomarrow we move. I am so not ready for this! There's so much last minute stuff to get done.

*eep* Help

Monday, February 26, 2007


Just a quick update, then I have to run off to work!

I was in the ER a week ago. I was having chest pains along with dizzyness and shortness of breath. I was there from 11:30pm to 6am! Stupid fucking hospital... After an EKG and a chest x-ray the doctor said I was fine. I have an apointment with my regular doctor this Tursday to follow up. Drew think's it's stress. It would not surpise me...

We move THURSDAY!!! Ack! I'm so not ready!!!

Gotta go to work now. *sigh* Don't wanna...

Sunday, February 18, 2007


I am exhausted! Lately I've been working loooong shifts at teh Depot. I'm part time there, so normaly I have a few shorter days mixed in with the long ones during the week. Well, we've been shorthanded lately, so this means long shifts, more hours, and NO TIME over in appliances. The money will be really nice, considering that the big move is coming up, but I am so damned tired!

Thankfully, tho, work hasen't seemed like such a drag lately. I don't know if it's me who's changed, or the people around me. Well... I guess it's at least partly me. I feel like there's been an attitude change within me. Now I hope that my co-workers notice.

I'm soooo looking forward to this move, but I wish it was over already! I'm stressing majorly, and I still need to tackle my closet! There's crap in there from middle school!!! I'll take care of that when I'm off later this week.

Oh, and my Home Depot injury for the day? A nasty cardboard cut on the palm of my hand. Nice!

Thursday, February 15, 2007


I just found this on someone's LJ post... made me think of Gaz and all the other little ones that we've lost:

"We who choose to surround ourselves with lives even more temporary than our own live within a fragile circle easily and often breached. Unable to accept its awful gaps, we still would live no other way. We cherish memory as the only certain immortality, never fully understanding the necessary plan."
Irving Townsend

I still miss all my babies...

Valentines dinner and fun

Drew and I managed to make it out to McGurks last night. The dinner was amazing! I tried fillet mignon for the first time. *drools* It was AWSOME! Then, I had a flourless chocholate torte for dessert and Drew had bread pudding.

Gah! It was sooooo yummy! We were sitting in the closed off, heated, patio, too. Very pretty. They have a waterfall that had frozen back there. Well, it was mostly frozen, but there was still a little water moving. I desperatly wanted to get a picture, but it was too dark to not use the flash on my camera and if I did use the flash there was nothing but a glare from the divider.

He also got me a rose and a box of DARK chocholates. My hunny was so great! Then after dinner, it was be close and sweet Von and Drew time.

Yay! My Valentines day was great!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Gee, happy valentines day to me.

I don't think I can take anymore bad rattie related news! Lilly has a swollen front paw and a tumor. It looks like a mammary tumor, which are common in female rats.
Damn, damn, and damn again!

...in other news, Drew and I are suppossed to go out to dinner at McGurks tonight, provided that the roads have cleared up enough... I hope it works out, we could both use a nice night out.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

...and another Gaz update...

Gaz died today while I was at work. She passed away in her daddy's arms, which was always her favorite place to be.

Rest in peace, sweet girl. We'll miss you like crazy.

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Friday, February 09, 2007

Gaz update

After lots of attention, forced food, water, and antibiotics, Gaz seems to be feeling somewhat better. Her health has been pretty poor for a while now, but I thought for sure that we were going to loose her today.

My poor little girl sure has had a rough day.

Rizzo and Gaz

We lost Rizzo this morning. Poor old guy, we were kind of expecting it.

Gaz is not doing well. She's compleatly lethargic, won't eat or drink anything. The only way that you can even tell that she's still alive is when you look at her breathing, and even that's very shallow.

Gods, two ratties in one day? I don't know if I can handle that.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


From the Smashing Pumpkins myspace blog:
The Smashing Pumpkins
6th album'Zeitgeist'