
A walking study in demonology

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Courtney Love says...

Happy Halloween, ya fuckers!
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...and just for giggles, here's a sexy ass witchy person...
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Sunday, October 22, 2006

I <3 The Dolls!

Dresden Dolls show was last night. It was fucking AMAZING! My second time seeing them, and they still blew me away.

I'm at my in-law's at the moment. My brother and sister in law are both in town... so I better quit being anti-social and get back to the group.


Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Not a good week to be my right leg...

I fell getting on the bus this past week... not once, but twice! I also cracked the bruise against the corner of a flat cart at work a day after the first fall.
Here's what it looked like earlier today...
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Pretty ugly, huh?

I got offered the Best Buy job... but it would have involved a pay cut and a seasonal position. It's not worth it for me to leave Home Depot if I'm not ever certain that I'd have the position after the holiday's are over.

Drew had been working two jobs and going to school for the past few weeks. But, thankfully, he put in his two weeks at Schnuks... meaning that I'll actualy get to see my husband again! It's been really depressing not having him around. I've been really lonely.

Now that Drew's got a good full time job and I'm getting decent pay at the 'Depot I'm hoping that we can make this house thing happen much sooner than later.

Halloween is coming up soon! I can't wait! Also, October has been pretty cool so far. I saw Alice Cooper for the third time with Mom on the first, the Dresden Dolls are coming on the 21st (Drew and I already have our tickets), and Nightmare Before Christmas 3D opens on the 20th! *squeel*

Work has been more bearable lately. We have some new people and I really like most of them. I'm even getting along better with the people that were irking the beejeezus out of me.

So... yeah... life...