
A walking study in demonology

Friday, July 28, 2006

Come and Gone. Another Year Gone By.

Tuesday the 25th was my birthday. I spent most of the morning in bed (which I don't get to do often enough). I got some great pressies, and that evening me, Andrew, Stevie, Jess, Vicki, Kristen, and my mom went out to McGurks. A great time was had by all. Kristen took some pics, which I may or may not post later on.

...some time soon I want to go on a pic posting craze in Tower Grove Park...


Monday, July 24, 2006


My mom and Andrew surprised me Saturday, and it was a good one.
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It was another one of those shows that I knew the entire soundtrack for, but had never actualy seen. It was fantastic, and I bawled my eyes out.
St. Louis was also the final destination for the tour. After us, the show is only going to be on Broadway. To mark this occassion, they were handing these out at the door:
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Tomarrow is birthday fun day. Wooooo!!!!!


Friday, July 21, 2006

Coming soon to an area near you...

A 22 year old Von!!! That's right, the 25th of this month marks 22 years of Von on this planet.

I'm excited because I got the 24th, 25th, and 26th off from work, and am currently in the process of getting people together for some drinking and hanging out. This should be great!


P.S. Yes, we still have power after that huge ass storm this week. That was some crazy shit, dude...
...and Bread Co. needs to turn down their A.C. I'm freezing me nipps of here!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


My wonderful hubby took me to Build-A-Bear last night, where I made this:
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Wanna know the cutest thing about her? Check out the panties!!!
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Friday, July 07, 2006

No Hangover's Here!

Girls night was a blast. Instead of going down to the landing we went to McGurks. The count for the night was Me, Jess, Kristen, Laura, and Tara. Rhema and Alica met up with us briefly at Jess's house, but they left as we were headed out for the bar because Rhema had just had a bunch of dental work done and was, understandably, tired.

The back patio at McGurks is amazing. It was so freakin' pretty, with a lit up fountain compleat with fish in the fountain! It was a great night to sit outside, too. Not to hot, not to chilly. Kristen and I got pretty well drunk, as Lar and T don't drink and Jess was our designated driver. I ended up spending $25 freakin' dollars on my drinks! But, it was well worth it considering the great time we all had.

My drink count for the night:
Two Harp Lager's
One Boulevard Draft
One shot of chocholate cake
One Irish Coffee

Those Irish Coffee's really sneak up one you! I'm really glad that I recomended that Kristen get one... I also recomended the chocholate cake shot, which I believe Kristen was greatful for.

There's talk of trying to make this a monthly event. Here's hoping we can pull it off!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Girls day

I have today and tomarrow off work, thank god. So, this morning Jess picked me up (we were both still wearing our P.J.'s in the car) and brought me over to her house for hair dying. We're also going to Cheep Trx later on today to talk to my tattoo artist, Dave. I need to get the rest of my arm finished, hence the Dave visit.
Then tonight me, Jess, Kristen, and I'm not sure who else are going drinking down at this place on the landing. Jess is bringing her camera, so if anything crazy happens, you know there will be pics.
Oh, I forgot to mention that my father finally responded to that e-card I sent him... *sigh*

Sunday, July 02, 2006


So, I'm a dork! I totaly forgot to mention that I finally stretched my ears from two guages to zero's. They totaly rock!!!
Right ear:
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Left ear:
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I have realized that having this camera phone has turned me into a pic posting whore......and I like it!!!
...speaking of phones, I'm getting a new one sent to me and sending back my old one. I'm getting a new one in the exact same model, cus the old one is defective. Every time I try to log on to IM the phone turns itself off. Also it has also developed a nifty (ha!) line at the bottom of the screen. Stupid phone... At least I'm getting a new one at no charge.
