Oh yeah...
I am one trendy muthafucka!

60 gig iPod video makes me a happy Von.
...and I got pierced again!!!

A walking study in demonology
I am one trendy muthafucka!
I am crushed. Compleatly and totaly devisted...
Gir died sometime last night... I was playing with him before bed last night and he was acting just fine. He was being he normal, jolly, sweet self.
But when I got up this morning, he was gone. Just laying in the bottom of the cage... I don't even know how long he had been dead before I found him. I am having a really hard time believing this. He was fine last night, what happened? Why so sudden? What happened to my baby? Why coulden't he have waited until I woke up? Was he to stubborn to let me see him in his final moments?
I just can't believe it... Granted, he was two years old, but I swear he was fine just last night. He was even sweet enough to try to cheer me up cus I was in a poopy mood.
God, he was the best little guy. He had so much love to give, and he recieved so much love in return. He would follow me around the bed, you know? I would move, and he'd have to come over and make sure that I was still there. I'll never forget the way he'd burrow under the blankets for hours at a time, coming out every so often to make sure I was still there.
Gods, I am going to miss him so much.
So, this no internet at home shit has gotta end. I would kill for a basic, no frills, landline. I can't belive I'm praying for dial up... *sighs*
It's been so long! Here's whats been going on with me: