Been a while?
Hey all! It's been a long time.
We don't have a computer at our apartment currently. Hopefully that situation changes soon.I'm now married! Life has been good... however re-adjusting to my McJob has been a bitch. I'm actually activly searching for a new one now.
Um, turns out I'm not pregnate. We were worried for a while. But, the test came back as a "no". Oddly enough... I'm kinda sad about it... again. This seems to happen everytime I get a scare. I still know that Andrew and I aren't ready...
We got two new baby rats. They're dumbo-ear'd females. Dumbo ear'd rats have bigger, lower set ears than standard rats. They're SO cute! Andrew ended up naming them... Faye and Julia (anmie nerds, take notice!)
So, all & all, life is really good. But, once again, the job situation is a sorce of stress.
I know how you feel with the preg business!
Aw, the baby rats. They sound so cute!
Good luck with the job hunt! There is life beyond McDonald's, and it is a good one. ^_^
I don't know if you checked it recently by they're looking for people to work (part-time) in the special exhibit area at the Science Center. Just a suggestion if you go for a job there, write a cover letter. They love it.
P.S. Congratulations on your wedding. May you have many happy years.
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