
A walking study in demonology

Saturday, February 19, 2005

A letter

*Happy Birthday, Jess!*

I wrote this after getting home from the last party. Imagine me sitting in front of the computer right now, drunk. I wrote this for "her". The girl who was in Andrew's life before I was.

"So, I'm runining his life? Says who? You? Someone who ran away in shame the moment he gained happiness.
You know what? Fuck you! Fuck the friendship that I considered between us. Fuck your lies. Fuck the way you constantly use people. You don't even know either one of us anymore, and yet you feel you have the right to talk about our relationship... something that you chose to not even witness. Why? Gods only know.
Maybe you were jelouse. I don't know why... you can get nearly any man that has an ounce of lust in him. But, that's you're only power, right? Sex... I know thats part of the reason I stayed as long as I did. But, there was also the part of me that cared... cared if you lived or died... cared if that boy was beating you or not. But, no matter how much I cared, you only saw me as a tool... I cared therefore you could get something out of me. I hate to think of the time and resources I spent trying to help you. But, what pains me even more if the time HE spent on you. All that time you lead him on so that he woulden't leave. Well, that's what chased him away in the end, now isn't it?
You brused him more than you will ever care to admit (but, then again, nothing is ever your fault, now is it?) and who will be there to clean up the mess you made? Certanly not you, that's so out of character for you... finishing what you started... No, I will be there. No matter what happens and no matter how badly you've damaged him, I will be there. Not becuase he offers something for me to exploit... but because I love him. Do you even understand what true love is?
I love this man, beyond my ability to fully comprehend, and he loves me, even if you want to admit that or not."

I'm debating on putting that on D.A., a site where I know she'll see it. So, let me know what you think. Too angry? For any insite on the issue, feel free to im me.



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