
A walking study in demonology

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Father's suck...

FUCK! I'm DONE with my father and my stepmother.
They can both go to hell!I returned a call from Charlotte (the evil stepmother) yesturday, and what happened? I get told the fuck off! Apperantly she's hurt that I haven't involved her more in the wedding process... then she tells me that "It's customary that the father of the bride send out the wedding invitations". SINCE WHEN?!?!? Then she informs me that she's too upset to talk to me right now, then hands me over to my father. All he said was "Ditto to that... I'll talk to you later". When I actually tried to talk to him he just said "No, call me when you don't need something". COLD, UNFEELING SON-OF-A-BITCH! ...and Chartlotte? What fucking right does she have? WHAT FUCKING RIGHT? I'm so tired of his bullshit, and with having to put up with her. I'm ready to wash my hands of both of them... Just call them and say "Don't call anymore, please, don't come to the wedding, we'll be sending you the money for the reception. Goodbye." The bitch can have him to herself... she's been so fucking weird about me trying to have a relationship with him anyway.
Fuck her, fuck him, fuck his money... he's been a shitty father anyway...


At 7:38 PM, Blogger Athene said...

Whoah. I suspect that you guys aren't going the "traditional" route when it comes to the wedding (the mofather' family doing invites and the mother's family doing the dinner and wedding, etc. I just hoope you can set them down in person (in this case it should just be your dad) and calmly explain how you feel about it. I do know that when it comes time for John and I to tie the knot dad has already stated that he would not foot the bill for anything as mom and dad paid for their own wedding completely. I don't know how they did it, but they did.

At 11:49 PM, Blogger T said...

I'm so sorry! This has got to suck so bad... Laura told me about it the other day.
And yes to your question, it's okay with me. ^_^

At 9:55 AM, Blogger Jess said...

I love you Von! I hope your dad feels like shit about all this, but people that can act like that almost never do. He'll regret this someday.


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