So, my father called today. He wants to come over to talk tomarrow. I agreed to him coming over, but now I'm not so sure. I just know that once we get to talking all the things that I've thought of to say to him will disapear and by the end of the conversation I'll feel about two inches tall.
But, right now, it is easier to be on talking terms with him, since he's paying for the reception. Plus, this would make it alot less weird for my relatives on his side. Maybe I'll wait till after the wedding to tell him to sod off...
I better news, I'm starting to feel less & less like black death! Yay for antibiotics! Plus, Andrew got a new car yesturday! Yay for new wheels!
P.S. I just found a wonderful Blog! Everyone go check out "Things I hate about my flatmate" right now! I comand it!
Yahoo for the goodness that is a new car! ^_^
Good luck with your dad, sweetie. I'll be thinking about you!
Hope everything went/is going well with the talk with your dad... And remember- we're all here to make you feel 6 foot tall after he makes to feel two inches tall... which will make you taller'n me! ^_^
New car! Getting better! All of which is yaynessness! So what kind of a car is it?
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