
A walking study in demonology

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

...some good news... and then some shit

Andrew took Lilly to the vet after he got out of work today. She said that the wound seems to have scabbed over pretty well and that it should head just fine as is. She also gave Lilly a shot of antibiotic, and gave us some to antibiotic to give to her at home. We take her in again in a week.

At least it's taken care of for now.

Now I have a hospital bill to pay off, too. Yippie! Apparently my insurence dosen't cover ER visits, so when I went back in February it wasen't covered... shit. What kind of insurence plan dosen't have ER coverage? FUCK YOU UHC!!! Now I have to pay off over $1000 cause I was freaking out over having chest pains and I needed someone to tell me that I wasen't going to die.

Damnit... I just want to huddle in a corner and cry.


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