...and now Julie's starting to show her age. Mom and I had her out earlier and she was acting perfectly fine... but, I did notice a cataract in her left eye and a lump under her breast bone. At this point I'm debating with myself over weather or not to take her to the vet, or to just let her stay comphortable as long as possiable and then have her put down. Which, considering her age, is just what the vet might tell me.
She turned two in March and rats typicaly live only 2-3 years... I just don't know what I'd do if she passed away. She and her sister, Faye, were the first pets that Andrew and I got together. Faye's only lived to be one, so in a way I'm surprised that Julie's stayed with us this long.
I've gown so used to seeing her buggy little eyes every morning... My poor Julie-Bean.
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