Lost Shitzu
I hung out with Ashley tonight. It was a blast. Coffee, boy talk, harrassing Mark, lost puppy's...
Oh, what was that? Yeah, I said lost puppy's. We were driving down Kingshighway, getting ready to turn down Magnolia, when Mark say's from the back seat "Hey! There's a poodle in the street." We look over, and sure enough, there's a fluffy dog running around, just begging to get hit by a car. So, we pulled over, Mark got the dog into the car, and we realize that it's not a poodle, it's a shitzu who had on a collar, but no tags.
First, we tried taking the dog to Ashley's place. But, Ashley's momma said "no" to keeping it because it's a boy dog, and Jasper, the current alpha dog of their house, woulden't get along with him. Drew and I coulden't take him, because then we'd have to put down a pet deposit and start paying pet rent, which we can't afford right now. So, I called my in-law's. I told my mother-in-law what breed we had, and what a sweetie he was, and she told me to bring him over, provided that he wasen't chipped.
So... Ashley and I hit up the humane society's 24hour stray rescue and they scanned him for a chip. No chip. By this time, Fluffer Nutter (as Ashley was calling him) was pretty anxious and was tired of being carried everywhere. Thankfully the nice lady at the humane society gave us a leash for him, so he got to walk back to the car and sniff things. Then, I called the in law's to let them know that we were bringing the dog by.
So, Fluffer Nutter has a home, for now. We're not sure if my Father in law will be to keen on the idea of another dog in the house. In the meantime, I'm calling the humane society tomarrow morning to make a found animal report, so that way if someone calls looking for him, they'll know to contact me.
If you live in St. Louis and know anyone who lost a shitzu in the Kingshighway/Magnolia area, please contact me at darcy26@yahoo.com, my AIM is NoTicketBiotch, or through myspace at http://www.myspace.com/invadervon .
Here's some pictures of the cutie. I do so wish that we could afford to keep him, he's such a sweetie!

He looks mean in the last pic, but I promise, he's not. It was just the photographer. *lol*
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