She's home!
We brought the baby rattie home Wendsday night! After some discussion we setteled on the name "Leelah". I think it suits her...

(I apologize for the crap photo quality. She won't hold still! Hyper little thing...)
So, I'm super excited about her, and I think that she's one of the most adorable little girls that I've ever seen. other news...
Mom fell last night on our neighbor's sidewalk and sprained her ankle. So, Drew and I took her to the e.r. Poor Mom's probably gonna be laid up for the next few days. Positive vibes sent her way would be appreciated.
Also, my bubby's the sweetest ever! *loves*
CUTENESS!!! They don't make caps big enough to express the cuteness! It needs SUPER CAPS!!
*good vibes in a momly direction*
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