R.I.P. Little guy
My little Ed left us this morning at about 12 am. He succumbed to the respritory problems that had plauged him his entire life.
He died while Andrew and I were holding him. After he left us, I held him, stroked him, and told him that I love him and that he will always be my favorite rattie. We then buried him in the back yard of my mom's apartment buliding.
He was a sweet, considerate, little guy until the very end. While I was trying to clear his lungs in the steamed up bathroom, I asked him to not leave until his daddy got home. Because, while Robert was the one who gave me Ed, Andrew has been the one who helped take care of him and loved him like he was his own. Well, Ed took my last request to him to heart, and passed away about 30 minutes after Andrew got home.
Ed had his second birthday this past January...
Goodbye, Ed. I will always miss you.

I'm sorry to hear about your loss. Wherever he is, at least he has clear lungs. ^_^ Very cool that he held on long enough for you both to be there.
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