
A walking study in demonology

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Education today...

I'm worried about children's education today...
I'm currently home alone, just me, 6 ratties, and the two dogs, George and Sam. Earlier tonight I decided that the dogs might like to go outside.
So, I go outside, put Sam on his chain (since he's a notorious fence jumper), George is already roaming the yard, and I can hear some of the neighborhood kids nearby singing "Who Let the Dogs Out?” Naturally, since the kids are close to our yard, George starts barking. One kid starts barking back, and I can hear another one say "Man, tell that dog to do something!"
Ok... there are so many things wrong with this. First off, what the hell are you going to tell the dog to do? Quit barking? Yeah, I can tell you firsthand, that doesn’t work. Secondly, he's a DOG! You are a stranger near his territory. He's just doing what his natural doggie instincts tell him to do. I could go on and on about the stupidity of this statement, but I don't have that kind of time.


At 7:32 PM, Blogger Moueska said...

That makes me cry just a little inside.



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