Day Off, yay!
Days off kick ass!
I got a talking to from my department head and assistant department head the other day. They don't think I'm working hard enough. Oh well, fuck 'em. I'll step up my performance, blow them outta the water, and in the meantime I'll start looking for positions in different departments or other jobs.
I actualy like my department head. I think he's a good guy. However, I can't stand the assitant, and he's the one that I work with the most. He's a slimey little jerk who dosen't seem to have the words "Please" and "Thank You" in his vocabulary. He also acts like the worlds biggest ass kisser when the department head is around. But, for now I just have to deal with him.
I took Gaz and Julie out today and let them play around on the bed. They found one of Drew's shirts and had alot of fun sniffing it and burrowing around in it.

...and then Drew came home and Gaz got some Daddy time. She's such a daddy's girl.

Last week Ashley and I hung out (finally!). I got some kick ass boots at the thrift store for only $7! They'll go great for my Halloween costume. Now I just need to find the rest of the items for it. This means more thirft store adventures, woo!
...and just for fun, I'll throw this one in...

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