
A walking study in demonology

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Hot Times...

Summer in the city indeed. The bank clock said that it got up to 104 today! Sheesh, and May isn't even over yet.
So, today I did something that is entirly out of the ordinary for me... I went out... by myself. After Drew left for school this afternoon, I decided that I was going to leave the apartment by myself...
Granted it took my about an hour and a half to get my ass out, but I did it eventualy. I packed up Drew's old backpack with the laptop (and I remembered the blasted power cable this time!) and an unbrella (I'm always paraniod of getting caught without one), put Liz Phair on my iPod (looooove her), and walked up the hill to the Grand bus stop. Now, I'm here at Moke's.

This may not seem like much for some of you, but for me, it's a big deal. I used to go out by myself constantly before I moved out to UCity. For some reason, in between moving out of South City and moving back, I develpoed this fear of going out alone. I'm fine if I'm even with one other person, but the thought of getting somewhere on my own terrifies me now. I don't know when this fear developed or how, but it's here, and I desperatly need to conquer it for the sake of my own sanity.
So, I'm going to sit here, sip my Mocha, rock out to Liz, and celebrate my somewhat small, yet very large, victory.

Much Love,


At 11:48 PM, Blogger Jess said...

Yay! Go Von! I wish I could've hung out with you and stuff, but then that would have defeated the whole point of you going out alone. Another time perhaps, and we can go to the FUCKING pet store!!


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